In District Kaithal, during the tenure of Randeep Singh Surjewala since Ist March, 2005 till date, electricity works worth Rs.17,031 lakh have been executed and electricity works worth Rs.39,200 lakh are under execution
Creation of a new Operation Circle of Distribution Company – UHBVN in Kaithal
Since inception of Haryana on Ist November, 1966 upto September, 2007 (when Randeep Singh Surjewala became Power Minister), Kaithal District did not have a circle office of Distribution Company – UHBVN. Superintending Engineer of UHBVN continued to have his circle office in Kurukshetra City. For all small and sundry needs, people of District Kaithal were constrained to travel to the circle office in Kurukshetra.
One of the first decisions taken by Randeep Singh Surjewala as Power Minister was to create a new circle of UHBVN at Kaithal. Resultantly, office of Superintending Engineer, the two divisions headed by Executive Engineers and all sundry offices are now situated in Kaithal City thereby bringing all facilities to the doorsteps of people of the District under one roof and finally resolving their long standing demand.
Construction of 'Rajiv Gandhi Vidyut Bhawan' by UHBVN
UHBVN had over half a dozen offices scattered in different parts of Kaithal city leading to major inconvenience and commutation problems to general public.
With a view to consolidate all electricity offices under one roof, Kaithal MLA, Randeep Singh Surjewala (who was then Power Minister) laid the foundation stone for a landmark building named as ‘Rajiv Gandhi Vidyut Bhawan’ at the centre of the city i.e. Pehowa Chowk on 31-12-2008.
This useful office complex stands constructed at a cost of Rs.525 lakh and is operational. All the offices of UHBVN i.e. SE, Operation Circle; XEN, Operation Division, Kaithal; SDO, Sub Urban Sub Division No.1, Kaithal; SDO, Sub Urban Sub Division No.2, Kaithal; SDO City Sub Division No.1, Kaithal and SDO, City Sub Division No.2, Kaithal have been consolidated in this complex. All services are now available at one place removing difficulty of general public.
A few Photgarphs are:
Rajiv Gandhi Vidyut Bhawan |
Construction of 'Transformer Repair Workshop'
A workshop to repair damaged transformers is lifeline of any area for speedy replacement, particularly in times of urgency like damaged transformers for domestic supply in urban or rural areas as also for farmers during crop season. Presently, all transformers of Kaithal Circle are being sent to Transformer Repair Workshop at Ambala for repair causing delay in transportation and general inconvenience. To address this primary issue, Kaithal MLA & Cabinet Minister, Randeep Singh Surjewala (who was than Power Minister) laid foundation stone of a ‘Transformer Repair Workshop’ on 30-05-2009 to be constructed in the premises of 220KV Sub Station at Titram, Kaithal at a cost of Rs.310 lakh. Work is likely to be completed shortly.
A few Photgarphs are:
Two New 220 KV Electricity Sub Stations
A 220 KV Sub Station is lifeline of electricity supply and distribution for any area, in as much as, it is the principal link for transmission of power from Thermal Power Stations to an area through the net work of 132 KV, 66 KV and 33 KV Sub Stations.
For decades, entire Kaithal District was served by one 220 KV Sub Station, Titram, Kaithal constructed and inaugurated in 1987 by the then Power Minister Ch. Shamsher Singh Surjewala. Kalayat portion of District Kaithal was, however, served by 220 KV Sub Station, Narwana also constructed and inaugurated by Ch. Shamsher Singh Surjewala during his tenure as Power Minister in 1985-86.
Pursuant thereto, successive governments did not add any 220 KV Sub Station in Kaithal District despite multifold increase in demand. Kaithal MLA & Cabinet Minister, Randeep Singh Surjewala (who was then Power Minister) addressed this issue on priority.
Two new 220 KV Sub Stations were constructed, details of which are as follows:-
- 220 KV Sub Station, Kaul (Pundri and Guhla-Cheeka Assembly Constituencies).
To serve the entire Pundri and Guhla-Cheeka Assembly Constituencies, foundation stone of a 220 KV Sub Station, Kaul was laid on 28-02-2009. It is likely to be completed by March, 2013. Cost of this Sub Station is Rs.40 crore.
A few Photgarphs are:
- 220 KV Sub Station, Batta (Kalayat Assembly Constituency).
To serve the entire Kalayat Assembly Constituency, foundation stone of a 220 KV Sub Station, Batta was laid on 08-06-2009. It has been inaugurated on 03-04-2012. Cost of this Sub Station is Rs.40 crore.
A few Photgarphs are:
Construction of new 132 KV/33 KV Electricity Sub Stations in Kaithal Assembly Constituency
Following 17 Nos. 132 KV/33 KV Sub Stations have been constructed in Kaithal Assembly Constituency:- These are:
Name of Village/Place |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Nauch |
132 KV |
600 |
24-04-2008 |
Khanpur |
132 KV |
700 |
30-04-2011 |
Khurana |
132 KV |
792 |
30-07-2011 |
Manas |
33 KV |
136 |
13-04-2007 |
Guhna |
33 KV |
118 |
17-12-2007 |
Mundri |
33 KV |
130 |
26-02-2008 |
Sanghan |
33 KV |
234 |
16-07-2008 |
Kathwar |
33 KV |
180 |
2008 |
Sirta |
33 KV |
180 |
16-06-2009 |
Deora |
33 KV |
133 |
28-06-2009 |
Budha Khera |
33 KV |
120 |
22-06-2010 |
Kutubpur |
33 KV |
120 |
26-06-2010 |
Sirta By Pass, Kaithal City (Un-manned) |
33 KV |
120 |
25-07-2010 |
Jagdishpura |
33 KV |
120 |
03-09-2010 |
Bidkyar Lake, Kaithal. (Un-manned) |
33 KV |
120 |
2010 |
Khurana Road, Kaithal. (Un-manned) |
33 KV |
120 |
29-10-2010 |
Khurana |
33 KV |
130 |
22-04-2011 |
A few Photgarphs are:
Bidkyar Lake |
Budha Khera |
Budha Khera 33 Kva.jpg) |
Deora |
Guhna |
Jagdishpura |
Kathwar |
Khanpur 33 Kva |
Khanpur 132 Kva |
Khurana |
Khurana 33 Kva (1).jpg) |
Khurana 33 Kva.jpg) |
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Khurana Road, Kaithal City |
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Kutubpur |
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Manas |
Manas 33 Kva (1).jpg) |
Manas 33 Kva (2).jpg) |
Manas 33 Kva.jpg) |
Mundri |
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Nauch |
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Sanghan |
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Sirta |
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Sirta By-pass, Kaithal |
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Augmentation of 220 KV/132 KV/33 KV Electricity Sub Stations in Kaithal Assembly Constituency.
Following 11 Nos. 220 KV/132 KV/33 KV Sub Stations have been augmented in Kaithal Assembly Constituency:-
Name of Village/ Place |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Titram, Kaithal. |
220 KV |
1050 |
31-05-2010 |
Kaithal-Jind Road, Kaithal. |
132 KV |
328 |
13-05-2009 |
Padla |
132 KV |
250 |
21-08-2008 |
Nauch |
132 KV |
321 |
17-03-2010 |
Nauch |
33 KV |
28 |
21-11-2005 |
Mini Secretariat, Kaithal |
33 KV |
26 |
16-12-2005 |
Keorak |
33 KV |
60 |
05-06-2008 |
Teek |
33 KV |
40 |
25-07-2008 |
Siwan Gata, Kaithal |
33 KV |
65 |
31-03-2009 |
Pehowa Chowk, Kaithal |
33 KV |
65 |
22-04-2009 |
Kawartan |
33 KV |
90 |
05-06-2009 |
Construction of New 33KV New Sub Stations in Assembly Constituencies of Kaithal District.
With the efforts and vision of Kaithal MLA, nine new 33 KV S/S have been sanctioned in other Assembly Constituencies of Kaithal District. These are:-
Name |
Capacity |
Name of Constituency |
Remarks |
33 KV Kotra |
10 MVA |
Kalayat |
Work Allotted completion date 10/2013 |
33 KV Kailrum |
10 MVA |
Kalayat |
Work Allotted completion date 10/2013 |
33 KV Mator |
10 MVA |
Kalayat |
Work Allotted completion date 10/2013 |
33 KV Jateri |
10 MVA |
Pundri |
Civil works in progress |
33 KV Bakal |
10 MVA |
Pundri |
Civil works in progress |
33 KV Pabnawa |
10 MVA |
Pundri |
Civil works in progress |
33 KV Sakra |
10 MVA |
Pundri |
Civil works in progress |
33 KV Dhand |
10+ 10 MVA |
Pundri |
Revival of old Sub Stations |
33 KV Sajuma |
10 MVA |
Kaithal |
Work Allotted completion date 10/2013 |
Augmentation of 33KV Sub Stations in Assembly Constituencies of Kaithal District
Five 33 KV S/S are being augmented in other Assembly Constituencies of Kaithal District. These are:-
Name |
Augmentation |
Name of Constituency |
From |
To |
33 KV Kalayat |
2 x 8 MVA |
2x10 MVA |
Kalayat |
33 KV Balu |
10 MVA |
10+8 MVA |
Kalayat |
33 KV Karora |
10 MVA |
10+10 MVA |
Pundri |
33 KV Mundri |
8+5 MVA |
2x8 MVA |
Kaithal |
33 KV Cheeka |
8+4 MVA |
8+10 MVA |
Guhla |
Augmentation of 220 KV/132 KV/33KV Sub Stations sanctioned and under execution in other Assembly Constituencies of Kaithal District
Name of Sub Station |
Capacity added in MVA |
Cost (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
220 KV Sub Station Batta |
8 |
200 |
2012-13 |
132 KV Sub Station Padla |
25 |
350 |
2011-12 |
132 KV Sub Station Pai |
16 |
200 |
2011-12 |
132 KV Sub Station Kheri Ghulam Ali |
25 |
350 |
2011-12 |
132 KV Sub Station Rajaund |
25 |
300 |
2011-12 |
Total |
99 |
1400 |
Segregation of Feeders into Rural-Domestic and Rural-Agricultural
A pioneer scheme for segregation of feeders has been implemented in all the villages of District Kaithal. Electricity supply to tubewells and to rural-domestic has been segregated at a cost of Rs.1,954 lakh. This has resulted in assured supply of upto 18 hours in villages and upto 10-12 hours for tubewells.
Apna Transformer Yojna
Implementation of rural HVDS i.e. 'Apna Transformer Yojna' is being implemented in District Kaithal at an approximate cost of Rs.29,900 lakh. It will facilitate construction of a separate 11000 volts line with an independent transformer for each one of the 35000 tubewells of the District bringing consistency as also stability of electricity supply to the farmers, thereby heralding a new agricultural turn around in the district.
Free Electrcity Connections to 'BPL' Families
All 'BPL' families in the villages of District Kaithal have been given free electricity connections under 'Rajiv Gandhi Vidyutikaran Yojna' at a cost of Rs.698 lakh.
Other Vidhan Sabha Constituencies of District Kaithal
In all the Vidhan Sabha Constituencies of District Kaithal (other than Kaithal Assembly), extensive electricity infrastructure has been constructed during the tenure and by the efforts of Kaithal MLA & Cabinet Minister, Randeep Singh Surjewala for the first time since inception of Haryana. This by itself is a historical fact. Details are as under:
Pundri Assembly Constituency
Six No. Electricity Sub Stations have been constructed in Pundri Assembly Constituency. These are:
Name of Village |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Kaul |
220 KV |
2500 |
03-12-2010 |
Rasina |
132 KV |
300 |
30-05-2006 |
Dhand |
132 KV |
600 |
23-12-2008 |
Habri |
132 KV |
978 |
13-04-2010 |
Deeg |
33 KV |
120 |
07-05-2010 |
Barsana |
33 KV |
120 |
24-05-2010 |
Six No. Electricity Sub Stations have been augmented or capacity has been increased in Pundri Assembly Constituency of District Kaithal. These are:
Name of
Village |
Capacity |
(Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Pai |
132 KV |
171 |
02-02-2008 |
Pundri |
132 KV |
200 |
16-01-2009 |
Dhand |
132 KV |
150 |
14-07-2009 |
Habri |
33 KV |
30 |
23-12-2006 |
Teontha |
33 KV |
55 |
02-01-2008 |
Pharal |
33 KV |
55 |
25-02-2009 |
Kalayat Assembly Constituency
Seven No. Electricity Sub Stations have been constructed in Kalayat Assembly Constituency. These are:
Name of Village |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Batta |
220 KV |
3000 |
20-07-2011 |
Rajaund |
132 KV |
450 |
30-04-2008 |
Karora |
33 KV |
126 |
25-09-2007 |
Kurar |
33 KV |
145 |
05-11-2008 |
Neemwala |
33 KV |
180 |
24-06-2009 |
Chandana |
33 KV |
120 |
01-07-2010 |
Songri Gulliana |
33 KV |
120 |
30-08-2010 |
Three No. Electricity Sub Stations have been augmented or capacity has been increased in Kalayat Assembly Constituencies of District Kaithal. These are:
Name of Village |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Rajaund |
132 KV |
150 |
05-05-2008 |
Jakhauli |
33 KV |
20 |
24-11-2007 |
Jakhauli |
33 KV |
64 |
11-05-2010 |
Guhla-Cheeka Assembly Constituency
Seven No. Electricity Sub Stations have been constructed in Guhla-Cheeka Assembly Constituency. These are:
Name of Village |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Kheri Ghulam Ali |
132 KV |
600 |
13-06-2010 |
Mehmoodpur |
33 KV |
102 |
10-05-2007 |
Urlana |
33 KV |
119 |
15-05-2007 |
Badsui |
33 KV |
70 |
10-06-2007 |
Lander Keema |
33 KV |
120 |
09-08-2010 |
Harnola |
33 KV |
120 |
13-08-2010 |
Balbera |
33 KV |
120 |
22-09-2010 |
Eight No. Electricity Sub Stations have been augmented or capacity has been increased in Guhla-Cheeka Assembly Constituency of District Kaithal. These are:-
Name of Village |
Capacity |
Amount (Rupees in Lakh) |
Date of Commissioning |
Cheeka |
220 KV |
500 |
25-05-2009 |
Rasina |
132 KV |
238 |
02-07-2009 |
Bhagal |
132 KV |
243 |
07-06-2011 |
Daba |
33 KV |
30 |
25-08-2005 |
Paprala |
33 KV |
88 |
24-01-2006 |
Mandi Sadran |
33 KV |
62 |
17-02-2010 |
Mastgarh |
33 KV |
59 |
22-03-2010 |
Balbera |
33 KV |
112 |
27-12-2010 |